This page is dedicated to inform families of prospective students what
is going on at our school and also includes educational excerpts from Suzuki Journals.
Baby/Todder classes still on hold while we gather little ones! If interested let us know what day would work for your schedule.
During the school year, registered families receive an Update sheet on a weekly basis, to let them know of events, cancellations, concerns, and other pertinent information. On this web page, we hope to duplicate some of that information. Families already part of our school can also double check on events from the listings on this page.
The latest information regarding recitals can be found on our Calendar page and see our Facebook site for graduating students.
RSVP required
See web site for Suzuki Associaton of Ontario (via Link page)
taken from SAO journal Vol. 44.No.3 - some comments
"Social contact which aids in student retention, opportunity to teach topics such as theory and reading efficiently, development of ensemble skills leading to high-level advanced ensembles, modeling of skills among students, opportunity to play for community groups."
"To be a part of a whole which exceeds the sum of the parts."
"The sense of community it engenders among students and parents. The fluent music flexibility it develops. Skills such as learning to listen well, to lead, to follow, to accompany, to watch and to create a sense of cohesion is a powerful experience."
"I feel it teaches a totally different skill set than the private lessons. You are able to touch on things you would never have time for in just the one on one. The friendships made also help to motivate the children."
For more see specific issue.
"Music acts as a great escape to let your mind go to a place where you can feel at peace, comfortable, and happy - in your own world. I am so happy that through the years I have never let my violin, go, even after graduating high school and while attending business school in Nova Scotia. I use my violin, still as my escape. The Suzuki method taught me about discipline, strengthening relationships, and how to form new relationships. It set the stage for the fundamental belief that if I set my mind to something, I can do it. It celebrates the idea that people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds can unite in this common although debatably unique talent. It stretches far past what I do with my violin. I have been able to extract life lessons that I have since applied to my daily lifestyle, my relationships, and business, and for that I am thankful."
Musical pieces to be added at a later time.